02 Sep

Two months ago, my son Didi, who was visiting my office at the STRATEGIX AFRICA firm, saw a roll-up with a list of some of the firm's activities.
Curious, he asked me what consulting in the management of companies in difficulty consists of.
I started by telling him a few stories so that he could understand my job as an expert consultant in business management.
I started first with the story of the boat:
‘’Imagine a large boat that is lost at sea. It has a lot of difficulty moving forward and risks sinking. Business management consulting is like an experienced sailor who comes to help the captain of the boat. He will help him find the right path, fix what is wrong and save the boat.’’
Then that of the business doctor
‘’When we are sick, we go to see a doctor/physician to treat us. Companies are like people, they can also get sick.  Business management consulting is a bit like the company's doctor. He will examine the "symptoms" of the company (for example, if it is losing money or if it is losing markets) and find solutions to cure it and make it healthy again.''
Then Finally that of the car mechanic
''When a car is no longer working well, we take it to a mechanic to have it repaired. Business management consulting is a bit like the mechanic of a company. He will try to understand why the company is having problems and find the parts to replace or the adjustments to make so that it works properly again.''
What I wanted DIDI to remember as Key Points is that:* Companies can have difficulties.* Business management consulting helps companies solve their problems.* It's like a sailor, a doctor or a mechanic who comes to help. "Business management consulting is a bit like a detective trying to understand why a company is not doing well. It analyzes all the information (figures, customers, employees, etc.) to find the cause of the problems and propose solutions to improve the situation."
As its name suggests, Cabinet Stratégix is like the Business 'Clinic',
And Didi understood well. But very curious, he bounced back with another concern that I will tell you about soon.
See you soon.

Chief Dr. Jopel NGOUA-ELEMBE,

Ph-D.Expert in Business Strategies,Managing


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